Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tentative Schedule:
Week Begins CSC 130 [ONLINE]: Topics & Reading Assignments
1 19-Aug  Chapter 1: Intro to the Internet & WWW / Google, Gmail & Blogger
2 25-Aug  Chapter 2: HTML Basics
3 1-Sep  Chapter 3: Configuring Color and Text with CSS
4 8-Sep  Chapter 4: Visual Elements and Graphics / Photo Editing
5 15-Sep  Using FTP / Setting Up FTP Accounts
6 22-Sep  Chapter 5: Web Design
7 29-Sep  Chapter 6: Page Layout
8 6-Oct  Chapter 7: More on Links, Layout & Mobile
9 13-Oct  Chapter 8: Tables
10 20-Oct  Chapter 9: Forms
11 27-Oct  Chapter 10: Web Development
12 3-Nov  Chapter 11: Web Multimedia and Interactivity
13 10-Nov  Chapter 12: E-Commerce Overview
14 17-Nov  Chapter 13: Web Promotion
15 24-Nov  Chapter 14: A Brief Look at JavaScript
16 1-Dec  Final Project: Complete and Publish

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