Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web

  1. Browse Chapter 1 of the textbook but focus specifically on Accessibility and the Web (p.5) and Ethical Use of Information on the Web (p.7-8). 
  2. This video shows what people in 1969 thought the future of technology might be.  It's short and interesting to see just how accurate these predictions were:
  3. Check out this brief video about the Internet from 1981.  It's pretty amazing to see how far we have come. 
  4. Check out this news story video which was from a few years later and was talking about the Internet.
  5. Don't stress over the "alphabet soup" that is web page design.  I tend to avoid questions such as "Define the following: CERN, NCSA, NSF, ARPA, W3C, TCP, XML, XHTML, CSS, etc.".  I mostly want you to get a feel for where these things came from and their context.  To help with this, check out the brief video called "Warriors of the Net".  This video does a great job of explaining how the Internet works in human terms -- while still managing to fit in some "computerese".  I like it.  :)

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