Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CSC 130 Class Syllabus

Syllabus: CSC 130: Web Page Design & Development
Instructor: Robert Griffith (rgriffith@mendocino.edu)

Required Text:
Web Development & Design Foundations with HTML5, 6th Edition by Terry Felke-Morris. Published by Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-13-278339-8, and is available at the Mendocino College Bookstore.  (Author's website for the text book: http://www.webdevfoundations.net)

This is a link to the publishers page where you can also order a web-based copy of the book:

Note, however, that you can get the book cheaper at Amazon here or here.

Also, if you print out a book reseller (i.e. Amazon) the Mendocino College Book Store will do price matching.

In addition to the required textbook, there is a wealth of free information about XHTML and other web design technologies on the Internet. One excellent site is http://www.w3schools.com.

Students are not required to purchase any software. All software necessary for this course is available on the Internet as either trialware or freeware.

Course Description

This course includes the basics of creating web pages using HTML5 (including page and text formatting topics such as lists, tables, frames and graphics). Advanced web page construction topics are introduced, such as web page construction tools, interactive web pages, and graphics production. Students will create and publish a number of web pages.

Student Outcomes and Objectives

At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to:
  • Design, create, test, and verify web pages using XHTML tags.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use the World Wide Web as a learning resource.
  • Demonstrate the ability to produce visually appealing web pages by applying visual design principles and including visual elements such as graphics.
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply a variety of formatting options in the creation of web pages, including the use of style sheets.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of web page elements, including lists, tables, frames, and links
  • Demonstrate the ability to use some advanced tools and techniques in the creation of web pages, such as WYSIWYG editors, forms and interactive web page technologies.
Method of Instruction

This is an online class requiring students to be self-motivated and organized.  Time management is critical.  This class is hands-on with weekly assignments. Each week students can expect 2 hours of reading and 3 hours of hands-on computer work (including design, research, video tutorials, and online [eTudes] participation.

Because we do not meet face-to-face, I will attempt to supplement the text book by streaming video instruction and online activities as well as a variety of eTudes tools (chat, message forums, surveys, tests, etc.).

If you have difficulty with any aspects of the course [things not working, not understanding the assignments, etc.] please contact me ASAP.  You are responsible for your own learning.

Procedures and Policies

Students are required to follow the procedures and policies established by Mendocino College. Please note the following procedures/policies found in the course catalog:

Dropping and Grades of Withdrawal (see page 9 of the 2006-2008 course catalog for complete text) - "TelReg may be used to drop a class during the allowed drop period or the student may submit a completed drop card at Admissions and Records at the Ukiah Campus, or the Lake or Willits Centers."

Note: The instructor will not drop Students who are not participating. It is the responsibility of the student to take the appropriate steps to drop the class. Students who fail to turn in work and fail to drop the class risk failing the course. If you cannot complete the course, do not fail! Drop the class!

Students are required to adhere to the college's Academic Honesty Guidelines

All Mendocino College students are expected to avoid any type of dishonesty including: Plagiarism (copying someone else's sentences/phrases without properly citing the source), fabrication, duplication of assignments (your own or that of another student), and/or aiding in dishonesty. (See page 14 of the 2006-2008 course catalog for full text of the policies)

Additionally, CSC130 students must not use graphics, videos, or audio, which are subject to copyright law.  In addition to college disciplinary action, violation of copyright law in an arena as public as a website subjects students to the possibility of a legal action, including lawsuits and fines, should the copyright holder choose to prosecute.  It is tempting and easy to use cool images from the Internet, but do not do it, it is not worth the risk.

CSC130 students who violate the college's Academic Honesty Guidelines or copyright law will receive a failing grade on the assignment. Should a second violation of copyright law or Academic Dishonesty occur, the student will fail the course.

Grading Policy

While the majority of the grade is based on completed assignments, there will be chapter quizzes to ensure that students are keeping up with the reading.  Students are required to complete weekly assignments.

A weighted grading scale is used to determine final grades as follows:
  • Getting Started Activities 5%
  • Chapter Assignments 50%
  • Final Project 40%
  • Final Exam 5%
The grading scale is as follows:
A = 90-100%  /  B = 80-89%  /  C = 70-79%  /  D = 60-69%  /  F = 59% or less
Credit = 70% or better

Note: Students interested in the credit/no credit option must file the appropriate paperwork with the Admissions and Records office BEFORE the cut-off date, (TBA).

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