Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chapter 9: Forms


Chapter 9 explores the use of Forms in web pages.  Forms are used for search engines, stores, information collection, email forms, etc.  When you enter a search in Google, you're submitting a form, for example.


  • Read Chapter 9.1: Overview of Forms
  • Work through the Hands-On Practice 9.1 (pages 362-367)
    • You will create a quick and easy contact form in HOP 9.1, then read about some of the other attributes you can use in forms.
  • Work through the Hands-On Practice 9.2 (pages 367-373)
    • You will continue with forms by creating a contact form. 
  • Work through the Hands-On Practice 9.3 (pages 373-374)
    • You will be adding the Label element to the text box and scrolling text area on the form you created in HOP 9.2.
  • Work through the Hands-On Practice 9.4 (pages 374-381)
    • You will continue modifying the form you built in HOP 9.3.
  • Work through the Hands-On Practice 9.5 (pages 381-391)
    • You will be adding to your form to access a server-side script. 
  • Work through the Hands-On Practice 9.6 (pages 391-393)
    • Now you'll get to add some HTML5 to your form.  :)
  • Complete the Focus on Web Design section (page 399) by reviewing the following sites:
    • http://www.uie.com/articles/web-forms/
    • http://particletree.com/features/10-tips-to-a-better-form/
    • http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sensibleforms
    • http://www.lukew.com/resources/articles/WebForms_LukeW.pdf
  • Now for the Case Study and Web Project pieces:
    • Update the JavaJam Coffee House (pp. 400-402) site using the text instructions.
    • Update the Fish Creek Animal Hospital (pp. 402-404) site using the text instructions.
    • Update the Pacific Trails Resort (pp. 404-407) site using the text instructions.
    • Update the Prime Properties (pp. 407-410) site using the text instructions.
    • Update your Web Project (p. 410) site using the text instructions.


  • If you are feeling adventuresome, try out some of the Hands-On Exercises (pp. 397-398).  These exercises are meant to reinforce the techniques you have learned thus far.
  • If you have some "free time" try out the Apply Your Knowledge tasks (pp. 395-397).

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